Neckline Slimmer (by Dayle Brodkin)
"Reverse the Effects of Aging Without Cosmetic Surgery!" "No more Loose or hanging skin, no pain, no expensive surgery!" "Firm, lift, and smooth in just two minutes a day!'
I discovered this product one night while i could not sleep on an infomercial. This product stood out to me because I did not believe that anyone would actually use this, and wanted to know more about the product.
The creator of this product is a man named Paul Younane. I wondered why he wanted to create a project to rid women of their double chins. Younane is an ex rugby player, turned PE coach, and now a fully qualified physiotherapist. He wants to help others get in shape, and his personality and drive to succed motivates all those around him. Younane says that the neck muscles are just like any other muscles in your body, and if you don't exercise your neck muscles, they will weaken and sag.
This product is a small exercise device used to tighten up the jowl area. This product must be used for two minutes a day for up to 6 or 8 weeks long. It tightens the face and neck muscles for a reduced, slimmer neckline. This product costs $19.99, and this product is an infomercial that can be ordered online, or through the television.
Honestly, I think this product looks ridiculous. It sort of looks like a pogo stick for your chin. I would never want to be seen using something like that. I wanted to know what people really thought of this product, whether good or bad.
Some people commented that it did indeed work, and that they look younger, and can now see a prominent jawline. Some people rudely commented that these women should just try to lose weight naturally, eat right and exercise. Although after my research i found that some double chins are not from being overweight, but can be caused by genetics or bad posture. Some women who are 105 lbs and are CLEARLY not overweight can have a problem with double chins.
For only $ 20 it is a lot cheaper than surgery so i say to those women why not just try it. Too many women these days are getting plastic surgery to make themselves look younger, or look like something they are not. Honestly I have no problem with plastic surgery, but to an extent. Getting a nose job is one thing, but trying to change everything about yourself is another.
Although i think this product LOOKS ridiculous, and can look like a "pogo stick for your chin," I can not judge if it works or not, or if it is truly effective. I can not judge a book by it's cover. If it does work for some women than I say go for it, it's cheaper than plastic surgery, although it may not last as long.